Builders Feature

Builder's Club Spotlight #17err0r: Empty Catacombs makes Winston Sad

To highlight community creations, we're featuring Clubs in our Builder's Spotlight. But the sad look in Winston's eyes... it cannot longer be ignored. The catacombs beneath the spawn at Trovesaurus (PC), are made for club portals, but they're st...

April 25, 2017 Builders Feature

Builder's Club Spotlight #17e03: Primal Grey Matters

To highlight community creations, we're going to feature a Builder's Spotlight once every two weeks. In this issue, we're highlighting builds made with primal grey or the blocks made from primal grey. ...

February 21, 2017 Builders Feature

Builder's Club Spotlight #17e02: Valentine Special

To highlight community creations, we're going to feature a Builder's Spotlight once every two weeks. In this issue, we wanted to focus on valentine's builds. But instead we will focus on nice sceneries found in proposed clubs....

February 14, 2017 Builders Feature

Builder's Club Spotlight #17e01: Big Bigger Biggest Builds

To highlight community creations, we're going to feature a Builder's Spotlight once every two weeks. In this issue, we will focus on Huge Creations, made by a single pair of hands or multiple. ...

January 24, 2017 Builders Feature

Builder's Club Spotlight #17e00: Evil Introductions

To highlight community creations, we're going to feature a Builder's Spotlight once every two weeks. In this issue, I'll introduce me, myself and my creations. Because this is a community spotlight, this will be the only self-spotlight....

January 10, 2017 Builders Feature